Software Report

Software Report contains an overview of all software that is in use. Additionally you can see which user, group or client is using a software.


When you open the menu you will see a complete list of all software in use. This list is sorted alphabetically. The following software attributes are listed:


In this submenu you see the details of a software.

In the upper left corner you can see the name of the software, if it is available through RealmJoin and the corresponding package ID.

Deployed on Active Clients shows you the package version and the corresponding ID. You can also see how many clients (Client Count) and users (User Count) use the package. Last Seen shows you when RealmJoin last checked Client Count and User Count.

Below 'Deployed on Active Clients' you can see a list of all installed software versions. This list offers the following attributes:

In the upper right corner is a short description of the software or package.

Client Report

If you click a number that is listed under 'Client' in the detail view, you will get to the menu Clients that have [Software name] installed.

The existing list shows the following attributes:

Users of a Client

If you select one of the numbers in the Us column, you will get an overview of all users of a client:

You will see the following information about each user:

Users Report

If you click a number that is listed under 'User' in the detail view, you will get to the menu Users that have [Software name] installed.

The existing list shows the following attributes:

Last updated